Consulting Math Preparation Resources
Consulting Math
Consulting Math is about analyzing data to help you create an informed recommendation to solve a case. You probably already know how to multiply, add, subtract, divide, and understand the concept of percentages. But, you need to understand what the math and the results mean.
Often candidates without business backgrounds or first-timers of case interviews misunderstand the whole concept behind the case interview math. They fail to see the purpose of the interview or the implications of the calculations.
Consulting math is not difficult, but the analysis may be. If you have a firm understanding of the terminology and equations that you will encounter, it will help you understand the purpose of the math that you are doing.
Tips for Success
If you want to be a management consultant, you have to be able to do quantitative analysis. It can be very complex, but it is the backbone of management consulting and is significant in the recruitment process. Here are some tips for succeeding with quantitative analyses:
Below are several resources to help you improve your consulting math skills and pass the case interview.
Math Practice Tool
It is important to develop your basic math skills to a high level of proficiency while under the pressure and stress of an interview. The best way to do that is to practice your math skills while timing yourself.
Access my free math practice site to increase your speed and accuracy while being timed in consulting math. Just use your login credentials for free access.
Mental Math Fast
Learn how to do consulting mental math fast, accurately, and while under enormous pressure.
Case Interview Math Guide
This is my Comprehensive Guide to Consulting Interview Math, for candidates with limited business backgrounds.
Mental Math in Case Interviews
Often candidates without business backgrounds or first-timers of case interviews misunderstand the whole concept behind the case interview math. They fail to see the purpose of the interview or the implications of the calculations.
Consulting math is not difficult, but the analysis may be. If you have a firm understanding of the terminology and equations that you will encounter, it will help you understand the purpose of the math that you are doing.
Case Interview Math Resources
Top Paid Case Interview Math Resources
Comprehensive Guide to Case Interview Math
You do NOT need an MBA to pass a case interview! What you DO need to know are the basic math concepts used in business (and their mathematical expressions). My Comprehensive Guide to Case Interview Math teaches you these concepts.