How to Develop Gravitas for Extreme Career Success

Available Soon!

You want executives in your company to see you as a peer. This perception gives you enormous clout and credibility, and is especially useful if you’re not yet an executive.

To develop this kind of relationship with others, you must develop executive presence or gravitas. When you develop this ability, the room quiets down when you speak, and the executives in the room take notes on what you’re saying. THAT is executive presence.

Gravitas is an incredibly useful trait to embody and exude as a leader or aspiring leader of others. When you have gravitas, you get taken seriously. Your opinions and insights are respected and sought after. Everybody in the room looks to you after a heated debate to eagerly anticipate what you think.

It is so important to your career advancement that I conducted a several hour class to teach about the key elements of developing gravitas. The class was limited, so not everyone who wanted to register was able to. However you have not missed the opportunity to benefit from this teaching. My How to Develop Gravitas program, with all of the content I taught in this class, will be available again in spring 2025.

Here are the details:
How to Develop Gravitas for Extreme Career Success (Even if You’re Not an Executive)

In this class exclusively for Case Interview members, I cover what you need to know to effectively develop an executive presence for career success.  This includes:

  • The fundamentals — what gravitas truly is, why it’s important, and the right mindset for success;
  • Simple steps you can take right away to start developing an executive presence;
  • The easiest approach for getting noticed by superiors, and how to do it;
  • The secret to building trust and credibility amongst peers;
  • How to develop influence with others;
  • How to develop and maintain key relationships;
  • How to make an impression that people remember, even long after you interact with them;
  • The key to taking control of a meeting;
  • How to develop an executive presence without appearing arrogant or self-serving;
  • How to establish gravitas as an introvert, junior employee, or even without experience or industry knowledge.

Whether you’re just starting out in your career, a 20-year veteran, or somewhere in between, this class will equip you with crucial skills to give you an extreme edge over your peers.

The limited release of the Gravitas program is coming up in March 2025. To be notified of the release, submit the form below.

To be notified of the next release of the Gravitas program, submit the form below.

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