Thank you for becoming a member!

We have just sent you an email with information on how to access the resources you requested. To ensure you receive this and other emails as you requested, we recommend you add us to your trusted list of senders, contacts, or address book. (This is also known as “Whitelisting”.)

Here’s how to make sure you receive email from me:

Check the Junk Folder

If an email from [email protected] has ended up in your junk folder, the process is simple.

  • Click “Show Content” to view the body of the email.
  • Click “mark as safe”.

Our emails will then be added to your list of safe senders and all future emails will go to your inbox.

Manually Add the Sender to Your Safe List

If an existing email from [email protected] hasn’t already been trapped in your junk folder, you can manually add our email to your Safe List.

  • Click on “Options” in the upper right corner of your Hotmail screen.
  • Then click the link for “Safe and Blocked Senders” in the body of the page under Junk e-mail.
  • Click the “Safe Senders” link and enter the email address
    [email protected] to whitelist.
  • Click “Add” to put it on your list.