Thank You for Your Purchase
Thank you for your Purchase. You will receive an email shortly with information on how to access your program materials. While you are waiting for this email I wanted to share with you this information on another resource I think might be helpful to you.
To help you write an effective cover letter, I’ve put together my Consulting Cover Letter Toolkit. This toolkit explains in detail what recruiters are looking for and why. It includes 20 actual cover letters that secured interviews and job offers at McKinsey, Bain and BCG.
In addition, I took 100 actual candidate cover letters and screened them using the same standard I used when was at McKinsey. I created accept / reject piles of cover letters; and provide you with the cover letters that I accepted and explain why.
Further, I took several cover letters that I rejected and I rewrote them to a level where they met the criteria to be accepted. You see the “before” versus “after” versions, and I provide a screen-sharing video explanation as to what I changed and why.
To my knowledge, this Consulting Cover Letter Toolkit is the most comprehensive compilation of successful consulting cover letters that have been verified to work (I have an archive of the actual offer letters by the applicant that wrote each cover letter that worked).
Finally, I’ve distilled all of the knowledge and lessons learned and distilled them into an editable consulting cover letter template. Simply follow the template and you will automatically avoid 80% of the most common errors applicants tend to make in their cover letters.
- Overview Video – My tips on the objective of a good cover letter, insights into who is reading your letter, their mindset and what they are looking for so you can effectively write your cover letter to that audience;
- Actual Cover Letters – real candidate cover letters:
- 20 Successful Cover Letters, proven to work so you can study and learn from what worked;
- Top 20% Cover Letters from the candidates I would interview with my notes on what stood out in their letters so you can apply them to your own;
- Cover Letters that needed improvement, with before vs. after my edits versions so you can see what mistakes people make, how to fix them, and the improvements recruiters look for;
- Commentary Videos — my commentary on each of the three groups of cover letters, what I noticed, why I noticed it, why I made the changes I did, so you can learn from these improvements;
- Editable Cover Letter Template with an Explanation Guide so you can use a proven approach to create your own successful cover letter.
Practical Details
- The investment for this Toolkit is $97. But since you invested in my Resume Toolkit, I am offering you a 33% discount off of the Cover Letter Toolkit, so your investment is only $64.99.
- The program is delivered digitally. You will get download instructions within a few hours of purchase.
- We use industry-standard Mp4 and Adobe Acrobat pdf files that can be used across all major computing platforms.
(This includes your 33% discount for purchasing my Consulting Resume Toolkit.)