I recently received a kind note from an F1Y who got a job offer from one of the top firms. She was excited and thanked me for helping her to achieve “perfection” in her case preparation.
I was thrilled for her and appreciate the gratitude in the spirit it was given.
In thinking about the conversation, I realized that her use of the word “perfection” didn’t sit well with me for some reason. After thinking about it for a few days, I realized why.
I prefer the concept of striving for “excellence” instead of aiming to achieve “perfection.”
Excellence is about setting a high standard for yourself and focusing on getting as good as you can possibly be. It is ultimately inward-focused.
It’s about being as excellent as YOU can be.
It’s your current ability vs. YOUR maximum potential.
The concept of perfection (at least the way I think about it) feels much more like an external standard. We are aiming to be “perfect” based on someone else’s standard. It is you vs. an impossible-to-achieve standard.
This may seem like semantics — arguing over subtle differences in words.
BUT like I’ve said on previous occasions, your words reveal your thinking, and your thinking dictates your actions. (Your thinking also determines how you feel emotionally about your actions.)
Let me give you an example.
Assume that you’re an athlete at the Olympics.
If you strive for “excellence,” break your own personal record by a HUGE amount and win a silver medal, you’re thrilled about your accomplishment.
Alternatively, let’s say you’re a “perfection”-oriented person. At the Olympics, you also break your personal record and when the competition ends, you discover you “lost gold” (a.k.a., won silver). Under these circumstances, you will feel terrible about failing to be perfect.
Key Insight (worth writing down):
The problem with striving for perfection is no matter how much you accomplish, you will (I hypothesize) NEVER be happy.
I saw a lot of this addiction to perfection at McKinsey. I also saw it a lot when I spent a decade in Silicon Valley.
In Silicon Valley, for example, you see this perfectionism play out as follows:
If you sell a company for $100 million, how do you know you didn’t just get lucky?
If you sell two companies for $100 million each, you still didn’t sell either for $1 billion.
If you are “only” a $1 billionaire, you’re not as “perfect” as being a MULTI-billionaire.
If you have a Harvard undergrad degree, you still don’t have a Harvard Law degree.
Striving for perfection is an incredibly slippery slope because no accomplishment is ever enough.
As a guy with three daughters, I’ve started paying attention to perfectionism in women.
The entire American culture of being a woman (from my perspective) is heavily perfection-based. You see it in women’s magazines.
Buy this product to look more beautiful/less blemished/attract a guy. In short, every product assumes you’re flawed, and every product promises to get you closer to perfection.
I used to be an occasional reader of Cosmo Girl magazine — before the magazine went out of business. When I told this to moms in my community, they were always puzzled and had a look of concern on their faces…. basically, as if I was some kind of freak.
But, once I explained why I read it, they just laughed.
So, why did I used to read Cosmo Girl magazine?
To know thy enemy.
Whatever brainwashing society was going to inflict on my girls, I wanted to know it well so I could attempt to inoculate my girls from it.
So, what problem did I have with Cosmo Girl magazine (and by extension, Cosmo magazine for adult women)?
It’s the premise.
The premise = You are (very) flawed and that’s a problem.
I found the entire thing disgusting.
Literally, every page — every ad, every article — was laced with this presupposition. It’s one thing to put this in front of adult women who can make their own choices, it’s another thing entirely to put it in front of an impressionable 11-year-old girl.
Got pimples? We can fix that.
Don’t know how to do your hair the right way? We can fix that too.
How to get boys to pay attention to you? We can fix that too.
Unless you know what the publisher or advertiser is doing, and why they are doing it, you will (after say 10 years of reading this stuff in one’s formative years) assume you’re hopelessly flawed.
What I try to teach my kids:
Yes, you are flawed (because EVERYBODY is flawed… NOBODY is perfect) and you’re perfectly fine the way you are.
Yes, strive for excellence to see how good you can become at whatever you’re striving for, but NEVER feel bad for not being perfect.
What’s ironic is the more successful someone is, the more it seems they’re likely to suffer from addiction to perfection.
When I was at Stanford, a survey of Stanford women showed that roughly 85% of Stanford women were unhappy with their bodies.
Here were some of the most accomplished women in the world — future supreme court justices, Nobel prize winners, contributors to society, and the amount of genuine concern (and energy) about not having a perfect body really surprised me.
At McKinsey, the open secret is a lot of McKinsey people are incredibly talented AND incredibly insecure (in their lack of perfection). Many even argue that McKinsey targets the over-achieving, highly insecure — because they “need” the validation McKinsey provides.
This obviously isn’t completely true, but neither is it completely false either.
Arguably, the people with the greatest accomplishments are the MOST insecure — in part because they are close enough to perfection to see it, but never close enough to reach it.
I am not immune.
When I left McKinsey to do my first (of many) startups, my first one failed (the second one too). I kept benchmarking my career success vs. my former peers.
Geez — so and so sold his company for $300 million. I did not (and still haven’t). Then, my wife’s former college roommate sold her company for $950 million. Geez, I’m nowhere close.
In my early days as an entrepreneur, I struggled quite a lot.
I built and maintained a financial model comparing my current earnings vs. what I’d be earning if I were still at McKinsey vs. what I would be earning if I were working at McDonald’s.
(Sadly, McDonald’s won in more months than I care to admit.)
Yes, this is what ex-McKinsey people do with their spare time and insecurities… we QUANTIFY how much of a loser we feel like. Some habits, even when wallowing in self-pity, are hard to break!
Needless to say, those estimation skills came in handy… 🙂
Is striving for perfection really that bad?
YES, it is.
Let me explain why.
Perfectionism is an addiction. A perfectionist needs the “high” of achievement in order to feel good about himself.
Although addiction to achievement doesn’t seem like that big of a deal, the problem comes when the perfectionist is willing to put achievement over and above everything else in life — marriage, children, health (and for some, even the law).
The thought process of the perfectionist is to sacrifice (potentially everything) to achieve what’s “missing,” and once that has been achieved, to appreciate life at that point in time.
This is a fool’s journey.
The accomplishment addict will never stop and will never be satisfied for more than a few brief moments.
If you think management consultants, who are hyper-analytical, are immune from this, you are wrong.
Just ask Rajat Gupta — the former head of McKinsey worldwide… who is now in prison for insider trading.
Why would someone who is on the board of Goldman Sachs and P&G, who is a personal advisor to Bill Gates AND Bill Clinton engage in insider trading?
The speculation is Rajat Gupta, who has an estimated net worth of $125M, was frustrated that he wasn’t a billionaire.
Many of his (Wall Street) friends were billionaires and he thought he was just as smart (if not more so) than them… and wondered how come I’m not a billionaire yet?
Like I said earlier… any addiction, even to perfection, when taken to an extreme can be dangerous.
My key message in sharing all this is to make the following two points:
1) Success is getting what you strive for.
2) Happiness is appreciating what you got.
Never CONFUSE the two. They are INDEPENDENT.
Do you want to be successful? To be happy? or to be Both?
These are entirely distinct (but not mutually exclusive) paths.
Statistically speaking, in the United States once a person’s income reaches the country-wide median income (around $50,000 USD for Americans), their level of happiness does not increase as income increases.
Translated, once you know you will not starve to death and die, more money does not equal more happiness.
Once again, the two are SEPARATE.
Success is achieved externally. Happiness is achieved internally (through introspection).
I mention this because I wish someone had explained this to me very early in life.
While I understood this idea intellectually, I never experienced it personally until very recently.
You see over the past year or so, I’ve been working through my emotional baggage and issues with a therapist. Yes, I am terribly flawed.
Until recently, I always saw this as a problem… something never to be admitted to and in my heart of hearts to be ashamed of.
And after a year of working through the therapeutic process, I’m for the first time in my life actually okay with my flaws and “failures.”
There was a time in my life (most of it actually) where the thought of my even “admitting” that I had problems and was seeing a therapist was horrifying.
I would have feelings of shame and fear that I would lose the respect of others.
(And yes, I really hope my parents never read this article… obviously, I’m not 100% “cured” yet!)
I’ve decided to share this part of my life for two reasons.
1) It is what it is. I am what I am… and I am finally accepting this to be true and even appreciating it.
2) I wanted to share my experience with you and my other readers in the event anything I’ve said resonates with you.
I wish I’d had an emotionally healthy role model to learn from early in life. I never did. Although I’m not sure I’m 100% emotionally healthy, I am certain I’m emotionally healthier than before.
Through this introspective process, I’ve come to recognize a theme in my professional work.
I like helping the “underdog,” and I like “leveling the playing field” for the audiences I serve — small business owners and more recently, aspiring and new management consultants.
For many years, I was reluctant to admit to either for fear of embarrassment.
Four years ago, I was giving a keynote speech at a conference hosted by Fortune magazine. The Chief Marketing Officer for Dell wasn’t able to give the keynote, and they asked me to step in as the keynote speaker.
The conference was geared towards mid-size companies — companies that are a lot more lucrative to serve as consulting clients (than small businesses) because they can afford higher fees.
I was explaining the work I do and more importantly the size (or lack thereof) of the clients I serve to another speaker. His response has stuck with me all these years.
“Victor, I get it. You have this stellar Fortune 500 background and you are willing to help the little guy and you aren’t even the slightest bit embarrassed by it. That’s so interesting,” (in reference to the lack of my embarrassment… which of course implied I SHOULD be embarrassed by it).
I was too surprised by the remark to be offended — but that’s what I was… offended.
Along similar lines, about two years ago, I was reading a message board post about me written by an anonymous user… you know how snarky and mean anonymous posters can get. I’ll never forget one criticism of me.
“If that Victor Cheng guy is so good, why in the hell would he be helping all of us get jobs. If he were really THAT good, he’d be CEO somewhere by now. He’s a loser.” (I edited out the 4-letter words that were used to describe me.)
I suppose at some level, it’s true. If I really were “good enough” to be a Fortune 500 CEO, I probably would not be writing this right now. But, you know, I’m okay with it.
You see, the real reason I work with “underdogs” is because I get great personal satisfaction from doing so.
Of all the emails I get, my favorite one was from a young undergrad from Brown University (I think it was Brown). She had just gotten double offers from McKinsey and BCG.
She was raised by a single mother who earns $25,000 USD (very close to the U.S. poverty line) — a mother who sacrificed enormously to be able to get her to Brown. The F1Y herself had worked hard and sacrificed for years to help create a better life for herself and for her mother.
As she explained, it was a HUGE deal for her (and her family) when she got two consulting job offers as a 21-year-old soon to be college graduate. Her first-year compensation?
$90,000 USD — nearly 4 TIMES what her mother earns in a year.
I was THRILLED for her.
I remember her closing lines were something like, “For years I wondered if all the work and hardship would ever pay off, thanks to your help, it did pay off. Thank you so much.”
It was one of the most meaningful emails I received in my life. Up until that time, I thought I was just helping people out with a tough job interview.
After I received that email, I realized that I had just helped to change someone’s life for the better. I never thought of it that way before. I’ve also never stopped thinking about it that way since that email.
THAT is why I do what I do.
In fact, not only am I not embarrassed by what I do and whom I do it for, I’m PROUD of helping others. It is the most psychologically rewarding work I’ve ever done in my life. And selfishly, it makes me happy.
So maybe if I were “better,” I would be a CEO by now.
Maybe if I wanted more money, I’d serve the big clients who have a lot of it.
Maybe if I did those things, I’d be more “successful” (by someone else’s definition).
But all of that just isn’t me. I realize and appreciate this about myself… enough to speak openly about it.
I love what I do and who I do it for.
By traditional standards, I’m probably the farthest I’ve ever been from being perfect and “successful” (I am not a gazillionaire, a CEO of a public company, nor do I manage 500 employees), but I do strive for excellence in my work every day, I’m successful by my own standard, and I’ve never been happier.
Success vs. Happiness…. and Excellence vs. Perfection
Give it some thought as it applies to your life.
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131 thoughts on “Striving for Excellence vs. Perfection”
I anxiously wait for new blogs/articles from you as I find them extremely interesting, relevant and knowledgeable. This article is without a doubt the best article from you so far. Thank you so much for sharing with all of us. You are a source of inspiration for many. You are caring, empathetic, honest and sincere. You have touched so many hearts and souls and made a difference in so many lives. God bless you!
It’s really tough to come out the way you did, Victor. So glad you did to inspire others to do so and to see success and happiness the way it is.
Success can definitely be addicting, as many high-achievers — including my former self — can attest to. But there is help and simple mindshifts can make a big difference in how you view your achievements.
I am amazed by the power of simplicity and the rigor of self-awareness. Really appreciate your sharing this and it is true that you are an inspirational guide for many. As I head to INSEAD in 2 weeks, I will surely be catching up with your posts.
Hey Victor,
even though I did not read everyone’s reply, I still think I hit the general tune by saying that this post was very inspiring again.
I realized the same during my job hunt for an employment in consulting. Now I am with a boutique firm, rather than one of the big 3. I missed the chance of joining BCG through a very silly mistake in the partner interview, because I just wasn’t focused. (Funny enough, I did not have much training back then but my best interviews probably – not sure if its country differences though because it was for a BCG office in another country than most of my interviews, but the country I ended up working now.)
Anyhow, of course I sometimes feel the urge for perfectionism in the sense that I wonder how things would be at BCG and if I should reapply. When reading your post I realized that, whatever I did in my life, I always wanted to be the best (provided it was something important to me). I would not set my goal as 120 % of my current performance / knowledge / etc BUT as 100 x% of the best’s performance / knowledge / etc – just to be better than the best (and by as much as possible).
Now, in my current situation I realized – this is not always what makes you happy. E.g. I recently started a new sport I have no clue of whatsoever. Is it still realistic to become the best? Unlikely! Why do I do it then? For the fun! The team play! The exhaustion after training! …
Job-wise I also am more happier now than I would probably be at BCG (and I have a friend who applied after me and made it). I am working not much more than 40 hours and therefore have time for sports and friends (in the new city I moved to). I started on the 2nd career level immediately, I am project leader in a project after 4 months. And so on. I admit this isn’t an ideal example because by the facts it might actually be the better job in the end (for me) anyways as compared to BCG e.g. I worked in a so called 2nd tier consultancy and even though I got used to working around 55-60 hours, I realized that this is not what I want: What do I get from sacrificing my private life down to 1.5 days per week maybe? Okay, worked at BCG which gets me a great job in industry. So then I have a great job in industry where I work the same amount of time. And it will surely never be less. So okay, I earn big money. But first of all: doesnt help me if I dont see my children growing up but they can do so in my wife’s BMW rather than another car. Second of all: the money will come on the long run anyways if you really wish I truly believe – as most people writing here are smart enough AND eager enough to make it to a good position anyways.
The point I want to make is that happiness indeed is not necessarily to have the best (as others define it) – but have the amount of xyz that you want to have, realizing there is a trade-off for something else.
Cheers, Amo
PS: Yes, I know 55-60 hours is not much necessarily. And I worked more than that during my study time.
PPS: And also, I quantified some things – e.g. do the fun calculation of getting your hourly wages for your 60-70 hour week, makes me think of the golden arches again, huh?
The key question to figure out is 1) what do you want, and 2) why do you want what you want.
Once you figure that out, the tactical career decisions become much easier to make.
Hey Victor,
Very very good post.
According to me, the search for perfection and its frustration for many recent graduates lie within 2 ideas that are being pushed permanently to us:
1) Value of somebody = his/her success
2) Success = financial success or/and fame
In a nutshell, if you are not a billionaire/CEO/on national news/managing 200 people by XX (put the age here), it means that you are not smart or working hard enough e.g. you don’t deserve it. It was like luck/timing/personal circumstances had no impact.
As you rightly say, this creates a new rat race towards a misplaced target of perfection – a new version of keeping up with the Joneses where Joneses are today the serial internet entrepreneurs who sell companies for millions.
I had to wait the last day of my MBA to hear the sensible thing: “Do what interests you first; money and fame might come later and if they come, at least you will be happy”
The question not enough people ask themselves (include MBA’s) isn’t what is your goal.
It is the following:
What is the goal of your goal?
Until you answer the second question, its hard to trust your answer to the first question.
I seem to be in good company when I say that I have continue to read your emails, having long since ended my first career search. Your lessons have only gotten better with time.
To my mind, consulting is implicitly prone to fostering a perfectionist mindset. The notion that others hire you for guidance implies that you represent the ideal – they look to your model. In a way, it’s no surprise that perfectionists are so drawn to consulting. And as you say, admittance to the top firms has a way of validating those strivings for perfection.
I loved your note (and think every FFY AND consultant in the world ought to read it) because it’s a reminder that personal growth should never take a back-seat to the professional demands of consulting. Thanks for sharing.
Hi Victor,
This email is like the 2 cent of wisdom which nobody wants to acknowledge. It is like we all are trapped in the mad race of comparing what the person next to me has instead of admiring what we have.
I am also same and at time try to check and refrain myself from this. But many often fall in the trap. But how true are your words, I can relate to with a small incident that happened.
I am a computer programer and ideally should not be hooked to your blog as I am non-finance, non-management background (wanted to do something in that probably might be one of the reason but somehow I just loved your writing). I was fascinated towards the financial world or towards the jargon they use in financial newspapers, media and analysis. Since, I didn’t understand an iota of it, it just made me more fascinated!!! I thought I need to enhance my knowledge of this domain as I often program many of these processes into computer working for a fortune 50 company. When we program, we absorb the biz complexities and try to deliver a solution. This is where I thought that let me do some formal study that will benefit the fascination as well as help in work. I was more in risk and fraud domain in computers so somebody suggested that go for the FRM (Financial Risk management) exam – http://www.garp.org – a difficult exam suited for the core risk professionals. But I opted because it gives a chance to read something in a structured fashion plus it is pretty challenging. Of course as it happens, we just postpone the things we admire to mundane affairs and I never got up to study seriously until very late. With the global exam of that level it anyways require a serious effort to crack, I struggled like anything. Compare it to somebody being assigned to design a computer chip while all that person right now knows is – Computer runs on a chip !! I knew that clearing the exam had reached to being treated a far-fetched idea but I still went ahead and attempted it instead of not showing up.
Do not look for a dramatic ending to my story. Though the results are not out but at least I know the outcome for me. I don’t think if I was able to answer even 10% of questions correctly. But I was very happy and this is where your current blog comes into picture. I was happy that though I was not able to answer anything but I was able to understand the verbiage of the questions !!!!!! That verbiage was Greek to me since ages. I could not answer them as I had no concepts but still I was able to decipher what was being asked – arbitrage, option spreads, hedging, etc. When I came out I ran into a fellow candidate and he felt that I have really cracked the exam. I could not explain to him as to why I was happy. I was happy that as a person I was more enlightened than from where I started. But if I compared them with anyone else in the exam room, I should have fallen into depression. But I still was so happy !!!
When I read your blog, this is the first thing that came to my mind that I was more happy comparing myself to my performance instead of the whole world who appeared in FRM. Because according to the norms of this world, if you flunk exam you have to remain sad and grieve about it.
But as you rightly said – It’s about being as excellent as YOU can be.
Thanks for bringing the rational back Victor…..!!
Thank you for your great messages.
Actually, I have doubts whether I really have to pursue career in consulting. But I am sure that skills that you teach are useful in any careers (I bought LOMS). Besides practical issues you share your thoughts on life, on wisdom that young people often lack. People need to ask “why” more often.
“People need to ask ‘why’ more often”
I definitely emphasize this in the context of a case, but I think your point is it very much applies to life as a whole. I totally agree.
I can’t tell you how much I appreciate all of your work and insight. I too was raised by a single mother who fought to afford me an education. Thanks for giving me the courage to pursue this path and for giving me the guidance to excel!
Dear Victor,
I have read your email since the mid 2012.. Initially I read your email daily just to enhance my knowledge on how to pass trough MBB since I’m not came from a target school, etc.
I didn’t have much to say to you, but this email might have change my perspective on life goal.. shifting from seeking for perfection to excellence.. and I have to say, I am very lucky to came across your website that day..
I will pass along this article to my friends, hopefully they will find it as helpful as I am.. Thanks for sharing.. 🙂
William Budiharsono