One of the wonderful things about writing for my newsletter is appreciating the incredible depth, talent and diversity of my readers.
In my last article, I wrote about the 80/20 on Happiness. When you wake up in the morning and also right before bed, think of 3 things you are grateful for. Do this for a week and you will feel 10% happier.
One of my readers, Eric, sent me the original empirical research that measured the effectiveness of this approach. Thank you, Eric!
Since I received a ton of questions about this topic, I thought I’d elaborate on a few things.
- It is better to write down your 3 “grateful things” on a piece of paper than to just think about it. I tend to favor whatever is easier, because if something is easy, it is more likely to get done.
- The 3 things you are grateful for need not be the same things every time. Simply state in that moment whatever you are grateful for, no matter how big or small.
Now I know that many of you might be thinking this happiness stuff is way too woo woo for someone analytical like me. I know this because I used to think that too.
Then I had a thought.
What is the purpose of your career and all the hard work you are doing?
Is the goal to NOT be happy?
Of course not.
If the end game is happiness, then doesn’t it make sense to see if there is a shorter, faster, and easier way to reach it?
I promised to reveal why the gratitude exercise works.
But I thought I’d do just one more exercise first. I encourage you to do it. It will take only 2 minutes:
Scroll to the Comments section below to post a comment on this page. In your comment, list as many things as you are grateful for that you can think of in 2-3 minutes.
The key is to write fast.
Do not over think. Write for speed.
Okay, here is the kicker… (don’t freak out).
Try to write fifty things you are grateful for in 2-3 minutes.
After you are done, describe how you felt — before, during, and after the exercise.
Then read everyone else’s responses.
I promise you if you make the effort to do this 2-3 minute exercise (I know it’s a pain in today’s click-happy world), you will surprise yourself.
Trust me and give it a shot.
In the comments below, write 50 things you are grateful for… and after 2-3 minutes, just stop. Don’t think. Write fast. Don’t write what you think you are supposed to be grateful for. Write for anything large or small that you are grateful for.
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427 thoughts on “The 80/20 on Happiness – Part II”
Dog, money, food, clothes, water, weather, family, friends, house, coffee, relaxing, the beach, living in the us, feeling happy, smiling, laughing, meeting new people, making food, shoes, clouds, rain, sun, books, paper, studying, learning, music, making other people happy, gifts, holidays, the winter and snow, skiing, shopping, brother, dad, aunt brenda, sarcasm, movies, snacks, calmness, safety, my body, health, working out, motivation, strength, faith
5. food
12.high tech tehcnologies
16.clean cities
18. skype
23. responsibility
25. kids
26. stars
27. plains
28. theatre
30. loans
31. music
33. voice
34. surprices
35. ability to see
36. life
37. to have choice
39. history
41. cinema
42. ability to pass
44. charity
45. sex
46. knowledges
47. globalization
48. memory
49. forgiveness
good health, food, girlfriends, coming hollidays, friends I have, family , brother , sister, car, having a job, going to travel, people i’m working with, activities I have, my education , the country in wich i’m living, safety around, society surrounding, good mood, motivation, ambition, savings , grand parents, house I’m living in,
The 50 things I’m grateful for:
the sun
taking the time to rest this month
supportive friends
loving family
feeling of belonging somewhere
opportunities to travel
studying in utrecht
focus nowadays shifting more to balance
own journey to balanced life
all sportive activities i’m able to do
possibility to go out and buy new clothes whenever i want to
my watch
all the people at my graduation
friends who i can laugh with
friends who know me well and accept me that way
my country of origin
my family ring
having all my grandmothers and granddads still alive
being able to travel and see so much of the world
support to switch jobs
support of my bosses
the beach at my hometown
the inner peace that i can find there sometimes
improving relationships with my sisters
And that were my three minutes. Before this exercise I felt a bit nervous, during and after I felt more and more grateful. I sort of started realizing how happy I am.
However, I didn’t manage to come up with 50 things. I found it actually harder than I thought. maybe because I was mainly looking for ‘big’ things to be grateful for instead of also realizing what the small things are. I’m curious how other people did with this exercise.
Relationship with God
Sense of humor
Good schools
Gods teachers
My job
My church
Strategic thinking
Good people in the world
My family
My dogs
Being healthy
Where I live
Grateful to have a loving girlfriend, loving family and loving friends
Grateful to live in London one of the world greatest city in one of the best area of the city in very good conditions
Grateful to be physically in good health with no disability
Grateful to be able to go on holiday in very exotic places without thing of money
Grateful to have food on the table every night
Health, family, kids, holidays, friends, great car, career development, campervan, cats, great house, garden, support structure at work, giving something back, school governor, colleagues, laughing, having fun, exercising, great home location, self-developing, good reading, movies, travelling, happy home life, warmth, smiling, love, excitement, future rosy
50 things im grateful for:
my parents are back to being close, my brother got into a good college, my relationship with my boyfriend of 7 years is still strong ad stable, we no longer have to do long distance relationship, I have a job that’s decent, I have friends in the cityI live in, I have a goal, I know what I’m working towards, I am healthy, I have money to spend leisurely, I can shop and buy things I like, I don’t need to worry about putting food on the table, I live in a great apartment, I have people who love me and hat I love, Iam free to go anywhere I’d like,
My friends, my family, my health, my education, my culture, my heritage, my upbringing, my childhood, my experiences, affordable rent accommodation during job transition