One of the wonderful things about writing for my newsletter is appreciating the incredible depth, talent and diversity of my readers.
In my last article, I wrote about the 80/20 on Happiness. When you wake up in the morning and also right before bed, think of 3 things you are grateful for. Do this for a week and you will feel 10% happier.
One of my readers, Eric, sent me the original empirical research that measured the effectiveness of this approach. Thank you, Eric!
Since I received a ton of questions about this topic, I thought I’d elaborate on a few things.
- It is better to write down your 3 “grateful things” on a piece of paper than to just think about it. I tend to favor whatever is easier, because if something is easy, it is more likely to get done.
- The 3 things you are grateful for need not be the same things every time. Simply state in that moment whatever you are grateful for, no matter how big or small.
Now I know that many of you might be thinking this happiness stuff is way too woo woo for someone analytical like me. I know this because I used to think that too.
Then I had a thought.
What is the purpose of your career and all the hard work you are doing?
Is the goal to NOT be happy?
Of course not.
If the end game is happiness, then doesn’t it make sense to see if there is a shorter, faster, and easier way to reach it?
I promised to reveal why the gratitude exercise works.
But I thought I’d do just one more exercise first. I encourage you to do it. It will take only 2 minutes:
Scroll to the Comments section below to post a comment on this page. In your comment, list as many things as you are grateful for that you can think of in 2-3 minutes.
The key is to write fast.
Do not over think. Write for speed.
Okay, here is the kicker… (don’t freak out).
Try to write fifty things you are grateful for in 2-3 minutes.
After you are done, describe how you felt — before, during, and after the exercise.
Then read everyone else’s responses.
I promise you if you make the effort to do this 2-3 minute exercise (I know it’s a pain in today’s click-happy world), you will surprise yourself.
Trust me and give it a shot.
In the comments below, write 50 things you are grateful for… and after 2-3 minutes, just stop. Don’t think. Write fast. Don’t write what you think you are supposed to be grateful for. Write for anything large or small that you are grateful for.
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427 thoughts on “The 80/20 on Happiness – Part II”
Life, love, happiness, health, job, house, food, water, access to ed, parents and loved ones, travel, the world, ability to live and do things, being able to thank others, purpose, luxury of freedom, access to education, friends and family, the Sun, a smile, a good meal by the stars, a book, a movie, a great picture or paining
Loving wife, loving family, lots of friends, education, ability to work internationally, laughing, that i got up early this morning, music, art, feeling cold, feeling warm, films, seeing new technology, shelter, food, being able to cook on my own, enjoying public transport, seeing new places, running outside in the countryside, reading history, the internet, skype, making new friends in new places, my favourite shirt, my brown brogue shoes, umbrellas, being british and pakistani, different seasons
Family, health, friends, intelligence, knowledge, books, diplomas
I am grateful for:
my wife
my parents
my ability to read other languages
that I am alive
my library
my teachers
my car
my macbook air
my favorite Japanese restaurant
my friend
the clean air
the clean tap water
the freedom I have at work
my colleagues
I can only think of 20 things within 3 minutes. It is surprising that my daily life is blessed with all those elements. In the absence of any of them, I would have a very different life.
My parent’s
their efforts to make everything I have and want possible
My dog
It’s barks
It’s bites
My grandma
My friends from school
My crush
Dirty humour
Bad jokes
chewing gum
listening to music
taking my shoes off
spacing out
my best friend
talking on the phone with her for hours
taking a bath
feeling active
mom, dad, loving brother, grandmother, grandfather, best friends, delicious food, being able to be so privileged, my computer, sleeping in, good conversations,
very liberating. I felt peace and love during the writing. like I reexperienced all these beautiful moments in my life.
thank you
Financial aid
Loving parents
Beautiful and compassionate girlfriend
Good health
No apparent defects or disorders
High potential to do great things
Ability to help others
Academic success
Lack of financial burden
1. I m grateful to have a nice family
2. I m grateful to receive good education
3. I m grateful for entering a good uni and a good subject
4. I m grateful to have good english accent
5. I am grateful for having good tutor
grateful to have many friends
grateful to be able to play basketball well
grateful to know how to live in a real world
grateful to have travelled around
grateful to be smart
grateful to look okay
grateful to be healthy
grateful to have a wonderful relationship with my ex
grateful to hv a nice career ahead
grateful to hv received so many chances
grateful to be able to drive
grateful to meet a lot of interesting persons
grateful to have seen a lot
grateful to be able to read
grateful to be able to have enough food
grateful to have supporting friends
grateful to have everything i need
grateful to be always able to solve difficulties
grateful to have read this blog
grateful to be able to get rid of sadness every time
– lifestyle of freedom
– people I meet everyday
– the trees
– the ocean
– the birds
– the animals
– people I know well
– my family
– swimming
– surfing
– meaningful work
– healthy food
– fruit
– avocado
– eggs and bacon breakfast
– travel
– beautiful places I visit
– wonderful women in my life
– sun
– fresh air
– long walks
– morning shower
– kissing a dear person
– being close
– playing my ukulele
– music
– sand beaches
– great viewpoints
– the mountains
– rivers
– streams
– nature
– kids
– every single person I meet
– writing
– thinking