Note-Taking in a Case Interview
Question: Thank you for creating the Case Interview Secrets videos and Look Over My Shoulder® program. It is the most practical and intuitive resource on the market, in my
Question: Thank you for creating the Case Interview Secrets videos and Look Over My Shoulder® program. It is the most practical and intuitive resource on the market, in my
Question: I have been following your email newsletters and have read them all carefully since I joined your club. Â I thank you again for all
Question: First of all, I want to thank you for all the great materials that you have developed and posted on the web. By far
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the cult/culture of elitism. The entire premise of elitism is hierarchy. Those who are “elite” are presumed to
Question: I work in the Venture Capital Industry and am considering a switch to strategy consultancy. Normally, people switch the other way around, but I
Case Interview Dress Code I often get questions about the dress code in a case interview. What follows are 2 such questions and my responses.
Within the next 36 hours, the next President of the United States will be determined via an election. This is
Last night, I took my kids out for an American children’s holiday known as Halloween. Kids (and some ahem… adults)
The late Earl Nightingale, the godfather of the self-improvement industry, had a great quote that really resonates with me. It
One of my earlier mentors built a company from 30 employees to over 10,000 in 10 years. He took a
In most of my work, I focus on helping a client overcome some external obstacle getting in the way of
Most of the elite business schools see themselves as training the leaders of tomorrow how to be better leaders. Many
Clients lie. You lie too (even if you don’t realize it). There are two kinds of lying. 1) The first
At some point in your life or career, you will face a decision. It will be a choice between doing
The other day, one of my daughters said to me, “Daddy, I don’t want to go to school.” What happened
One of the great paradoxes of being competent at something is the willingness to be temporarily incompetent at it first.