Career Success

The Paradigm of Prestige

There’s a worldview that says the rich people are more important than the poor, the elite are better than the average, and the special are

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The Value of Money

Money can serve many purposes. It can be used to buy things for consumption. It can be used to buy objects that convey status (Rolex,

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Expanding Your Network

I attended a software industry trade show last week. (I work with a lot of CEOs in the software as a service industry.) My sole

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Strengths Multiplied

When you work in any endeavor, your strengths accelerate the achievement of your goals while your weaknesses hold you back. This is what it means

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I’ve been thinking a lot about the concept of maintenance. A mechanic friend of mine said that if you follow your car’s official maintenance schedule

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Know Your Weaknesses

When you get your first job, you’re hired based on your strengths. To get promoted, you need to be highly self-aware of your weaknesses and

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